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2025 Winter/Spring Classes

  • 02/08 to 06/07  16 Classes Saturday 5:00pm-7:00pm $765/term No classes on Mar. 22 and May 24.Location: Online12 See prorated tuition in shopping cart.

    MathCounts is a national middle school mathematics competition that builds problem-solving skills and fosters achievement through four levels of fun, in-person "bee" style contests. The four levels of MathCounts competitions are School, Regional, State, National, from easy to hard. This class is to prepare competitive students for the state and national level of MathCounts competition.

    The focus of this class is on test-taking strategies and critical thinking skills. Most students have the basic knowledge they need to take the competition, so our philosophy is to help students in the other requirements of the competition, namely, accuracy and speed.

    Prerequisites: Students have completed AGS II or Algebra I and Geometry. For great achievements in the competitions, students find that AoPS Algebra and Geometry class helps to build up the foundation along with this competition class.

    Note: The class materials used for this class are not repeated in 2 years. So students may join this class multiple times in 2 years to refine their competition skills.

    Instructor: Peng Lin

  • 10/28 to 04/20  2 Contest Saturday 9:00am-8:00pm $100/Annual Team Fee Oregon Math Circle ARML team meeting is hosting once a month on Saturdays

    We are sponsoring the Oregon Math Circle ARML team meetings, which take place once a month on Saturdays from October to March. The Annual Oregon Math Circle ARML teams' local competition will be hosted in April.

    The 2025 National ARML Competition will be held in May 2025. We anticipate opening registration in March 2025, with a registration deadline in late of April.

    The American Regions Mathematics League (ARML), is an annual, national high school mathematics team competition held simultaneously at four locations in the United States: the University of IowaPenn StateUniversity of Nevada, Reno, and the University of Alabama in Huntsville.[1] Past sites have included San Jose State UniversityRutgers UniversityUNLVDuke University, and University of Georgia.

    Teams consist of 15 members, which usually represent a large geographic region (such as a state) or a large population center (such as a major city). Some schools also field teams. The competition is held in June, on the first Saturday after Memorial Day.

    In 2022, 120 teams competed with about 1800 students.[2]

    ARML problems cover a wide variety of mathematical topics including algebrageometrynumber theorycombinatoricsprobability, and inequalitiesCalculus is not required to successfully complete any problem, but it may facilitate solving the problem more quickly or efficiently. While part of the competition is short-answer based, there is a cooperative team round, and a proof-based power question (also completed as a team). ARML problems are harder than most high school mathematics competitions.

    Instructor: Shreyan Paliwal;  Anay Aggarwal;  Manny Norse

  • 12/21 to 01/18  5 Classes Saturday 5:00pm-7:00pm $315/term Location: Online15

    MathCounts is a national middle school mathematics competition that builds problem-solving skills and fosters achievement through four levels of fun, in-person "bee" style contests. It provides engaging math programs to middle school students to build confidence and improve attitudes towards math and problem-solving. This class mainly works on the school and regional level of MathCounts problems.

    The American Mathematics Competitions (AMC) 8 is a 25-question, 40-minute, multiple-choice examination in middle school mathematics designed to promote the development and enhancement of problem-solving skills. The contest is held in November every year and for students in grades 8 and below.

    This class is designed to learn the common problem-solving strategies for both competitions and also working on the previous years of competition for practice.  By the end of the class, students will have been exposed to hundreds of MathCounts/AMC 8 test questions to help them to succeed.

    The focus of this class is on test-taking strategies and critical thinking skills. Most students have the basic knowledge they need to take the competition, so our philosophy is to help students in the other requirements of the competition, namely, accuracy and speed.  The test-taking strategies taught in this class will help students not only in the competitions but also in the future for taking other tests inside and outside of school (such as the SAT and ACT).

    Prerequisites: Students have completed AGS I or Algebra I. For great achievements in the competitions, students find that AoPS Algebra class helps a lot along with this competition class.

    Note: The class materials used for this class are not repeated in 2 years. So students may join this class multiple times in 2 years to refine their competition skills.

    Instructor: Peng Lin

  • Sunshine Enrichment Class Coupons
  • Sunshine Elite Education is closed on all major holidays.
  • Missing classes with notice can be made up by class replay for the online classes in current term.
  • Sunshine Elite Education private tutoring for SAT/Writing/Math is available upon request.
  • Sunshine Elite Education reserves the right to update or modify the class plan at any time with or without any further notice.