This is the 2024-2025 MOEMS Math Olympiad Contests for Elementary Division (Grade 4-6).
Sunshine is hosting the 2024-2025 year of Math Olympiad Contests for elementary school division in-person at 16100 NW Cornell Rd Ste 210, Beaverton, OR 97006 with the following schedule:
Contest #1: November 22, 2024, Friday 5:05-5:45pm
Contest #2: January 10, 2025, Friday 5:05-5:45pm
Contest #3: January 31, 2025, Friday 5:05-5:45pm
Contest #4: February 21, 2025, Friday 5:05-5:45pm
Contest #5: March 21, 2025 Friday 5:05-5:45pm
The test will be monitored at Sunshine Elite classrooms. Students should be come in the classroom no later than 5:05pm and the test will start at 5:15pm. The final awards for participants will be amounced in May, 2024.
Math Olympiad (MOEMS) promotes problem-solving. It has two levels: Elementary Division for Grade 4-6 and Middle School Division for Grade 6-8. It includes 5 contests for each year over 5 months from November to March. The goals of Math Olympiad contests are:
- To stimulate enthusiasm and a love for Mathematics
- To introduce important Mathematical concepts
- To teach major strategies for problem-solving
- To develop Mathematical flexibility in solving problems
- To foster Mathematical creativity and ingenuity
- To provide for the satisfaction, joy, and thrill of meeting challenges
Last year nearly 170,000 students from about 6,000 teams on 6 continents participated in the Olympiads. All 50 states and 39 other countries were represented.
Here are the awards for participants:
Shilpa Sharma;
Peng Lin