AGS 1B is the second half of the course AGS 1, which is scheduled in the Winter/Spring term.
We teach the AGS I class using the Holt California Algebra I / Geometry curriculum to build up the fundamental concepts and skills in the series that AGS I requires, with much more in-depth understanding. We also use the AGS I curriculum to ensure the class aligns with the required skills in AGS I.
Who will benefit from this class?
- Students taking AGS I class in school but need more support to learn AGS I systematically with clear instruction and more in-depth understanding.
- Students who want to prepare for the skip-level math placement test for the following school year.
Textbooks: (free to rent for the duration of the course)
Algebra I / Geometry Holt California Edition; AGS I supportive material
AGS 1A will cover Modules 1 to 5 from Sept to Dec in 14 classes.
Module 1: Sequences
Module 2: Linear & Exponential Functions
Module 3: Features of Functions
Module 4: Equations & Inequalities
Module 5: Systems of Equations & Inequalities
AGS 1B will cover Modules 6-9 and Reviews from Jan-Jun in 20 classes.
Review Modules 1-5
Module 6: Transformations & Symmetry
Module 7: Congruence, Construction & Proof
Module 8: Connecting Algebra & Geometry
Module 9: Modeling Data
Review Modules 1-9
Reference: Contents Comparison from AGS I to Algebra I, Geometry
To ensure your child is a good fit for this class, you may have him or her take the online math assessment tests at
Connor Nelson