MathCounts is a national middle school mathematics competition that builds problem-solving skills and fosters achievement through four levels of fun, in-person "bee" style contests. The four levels of MathCounts competitions are School, Regional, State, National, from easy to hard. This class is to prepare competitive students for the state and national level of MathCounts competition.
The American Mathematics Competitions (AMC) 10 is a 25-question, 75-minute, multiple-choice examination in secondary school mathematics containing problems which can be understood and solved with algebra and geometry concepts. It is held in February for students in grades 10 and below.
This course uses many previously used AMC/MathCounts questions both for class and homework. In addition, we use many supplemental questions taken from competition math textbooks that will be used for homework to further reinforce the strategies and concepts taught in class. By the end of the course, students will be exposed to thousands of AMC/MathCounts test questions.
The focus of this class is on test-taking strategies and critical thinking skills. Most students have the basic knowledge they need to take the competition, so our philosophy is to help students in the other requirements of the competition, namely, accuracy and speed.
Prerequisites: Students have completed AGS II or Algebra I and Geometry. For great achievements in the competitions, students find that AoPS Algebra and Geometry class helps to build up the foundation along with this competition class.
Note: The class materials used for this class are not repeated in 2 years. So students may join this class multiple times in 2 years to refine their competition skills.
Peng Lin